Warning: It is very important to note that all codes have theĪbility to potentially break your game/saves. Not normally possible (multiple classes, new items, kill all enemies on Frome there just use the info I provide here below.ĭeveloper console allows you to perform functions in the game which are Add a shorcut to your Desktop from the one you changed the properties in your binship file and use that shortcut to load your game.
and you also have to go into your my documents folder and open up your Bioware folder and then open your KeyBindings.ini file and scroll down to Openconsole_0_grave and change Grave to Tilde and you have to spell out Tilde and then save your changes. you hae to go into the priorities of you dragon age exectutive file in your bin_ship folder and add this command to you target line -enabledeveloperconsole with a space inbetween. This is the most complete cheat command list I've found for the console, and I'm also leaving the link to the site as well.
1st off I only suggest using this if you have completed the game more than once like me.